Avinder Laroya

Name: Avinder Laroya
Where: UK
What she does: Entrepreneur, business owner, lawyer
Impact: She is a strong role model for other women in business
Website: www.devatasinternational.com
Nominated by: Marcie Buxton

Avinder is an innovator and entrepreneurial lawyer who has a passion for making a difference.  These were the qualities that first attracted me to Avinder and why I decided I wanted to work with her.

She is director of a project management consultancy and an independent law firm.  Her company, Devatas International was born out of the extreme stress and challenges of divorce and ill health.  Despite the challenges of a slipped disc and separation from her husband, with determination and vision, Avinder she launched her businesses. Hearing her story inspired me.  I wanted other women to hear the message – that it can be done, even when confidence has been knocked and support is seems lacking.

Avinder has a great understanding around the way women work.  She has discovered and values a collaborative, nurturing and focused approach to business and loves the freedom of being strong without losing any femininity. Something she didn’t have in the corporate world as a commercial property lawyer.

Avinder brings expertise, experience skills and talents right into the core of her business to create innovative and high quality solutions for clients who are frustrated with a traditional way of working – all based upon passion synergy and excellence.

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